How to edit APK files on Android with APK Editor

If you are an Android developers or learning to develop apps then you must be having the need for and apk editing tool that can decompile APKs for you to modify and then recompile smoothly.We came across a decent tool that can do everything that is required without any hassle. This tool is called APL Editor and it will help you with editing apk files or even modify pre-existing APK packages on your smartphone device.

With the APK Editor app you can easily convert he Apk package to source code and be able to edit it directly from your smartphone.

How to edit APK files on Android with APK Editor

So, without further ado, let’s get started with using APK editor.

How to edit APK files using APK editor on an Android Phone

  1. Download the APK Editor App from Google Playstore.
  2. Execute the installed App and choose either of the options, “Select an Apk File” OR “Select Apk from App”.The options are self-explanatory so I do not need to elaborate them.
  3. The first option will let you browse to open an Apk package saved on your device and the second option will let your select from the pre-installed apps on your device.

Choose from string, resource or manifest to edit the Apk and edit the file. Press the save button and your changes will be saved to the Apk.

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